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What Does It Mean To Be AAHA Accredited?

Town and Country Animal Hospital continues to hold American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) accreditation, making it a part of only 15 percent of animal hospitals in the US and Canada to earn this highest level of veterinary excellence and achievement. Our hospital had a thorough evaluation by AAHA, where the hospital’s protocols, medical equipment, and facility and client services were reviewed.

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) was founded in 1933 and is the only association in North America that provides accreditation to veterinary animal hospitals.

To become a Naples, FL AAHA accredited animal hospital, we had to demonstrate an exceptional level of medical care and client service. We had to be independently measured against the most rigorous set of comprehensive standards in the veterinary industry. Only 15% of animal hospitals in the U.S. and Canada are accredited; and we’re one of them!

Why AAHA Accreditation
Matters To Your Pet

We are independently re-evaluated every three years based on AAHA’s Standards of Accreditation. This accreditation process is composed of an extensive list of 900 check points that directly correlate to the everyday care that we provide for our clients’ pets. For more information about AAHA accreditation please visit HealthyPet.com

Dental care of dogs and cats is one of the most commonly overlooked areas of pet health
care; however, it is necessary to provide optimum health and quality of life. Diseases of the
oral cavity, if left untreated, are often painful and can lead to more serious health problems
including heart,
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